Our Final Images from Potosí

We expected to have an incredible time in Potosí, and the highest city in the world didn't disappoint. Potosí has a rich history, still evident in its plentiful churches, but today is awash in poverty. The massive Cerro Rico casts a shadow both literally and figuratively over the city; the deaths of millions of indigenous workers has left a wound in Potosí's psyche which will never scab over. Here are our final visual impressions of this amazing city.

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Drinking with the Devil in Potosí’s Mines

By far the most popular tourist activity in Potosí is a visit to the mines of Cerro Rico. They're still active, so a tour entails walking past soot-covered miners hard at work in conditions that could be straight out of the 18th century. We weren't especially excited about taking a tour, since gawking at people working in such a dangerous profession is more than a bit unseemly. Between accidents and the inevitable lung diseases, it's still rare for a Potosí miner to reach the age of 50. But we couldn't skip out on the city's most famous experience.

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The Tragic Tale of Potosí

Set at 4090 meters (13420 ft) above sea level, Potosí is the highest city in the world and once was its most wealthy, thanks to the silver mines of Cerro Rico. Remnants of Potosí's glorious past are still visible today, as are the vestiges of the exploitation which made Spain rich beyond measure and resulted in the deaths of millions.

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